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Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Draw a Normal Distribution Graph TUTORIAL

A bell curve (also known as normal distribution curve) is a way to plot and clarify data that looks like a bell curve. In the bong curve, the highest signal is the one that has the highest probability of occurring, and the probability of occurrences goes down on either side of the curve. It is oftentimes used during employee performance appraisals or during evaluation in exams ( ever heard – "Y'all will be graded on the curve?" ). Now before I spring in on how to create a bong curve in Excel, let's get a better agreement of the concept by taking an example. Understanding the Bell Curve Suppose you work in a team of 100 members and your manager tells yous that your performance will be relative to others and will be evaluated on the bong curve. This means that fifty-fifty if your team is the all-time squad always and you're all superheroes, only a scattering of you would get the elevation rating, most

